Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Humanity And Divinity Piety, Worship, And The Eternal...

Humanity and Divinity: Piety, Worship, and the Eternal Search for God’s Grace The millennia-old observations of man’s connection to God we see within the Old Testament, Oresteia, and The Iliad, present a similar theological backdrop yet include striking differences. It can be surmised that these contrasts are due to the natural evolution and growth of religion across time and culture, as well as the role of God within society. However, it should be noted that man approaches God in similar ways between each of these texts; he assumes the role of devotee regardless of his own personal beliefs towards the deity. People demonstrate their righteous connection to God through worship, piety, or a combination of both. Although we often see gods arbitrarily determining what is good and bad, throughout various ancient texts the most consistent method of reaching God’s grace is by displaying reverence. Within the Old Testament, God is shown to provide divine intervention in response to the devotion and piety shown by His people. In this text, we are told th at God holds his covenants dearly and remembers those who are loyal to him given by the statement â€Å"God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob† (The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Exodus 2:24). The use of language is notable here, as God hearing this groaning paints a picture of a very intimately connected God who listens closely to his disciples. The piety of the devotees influences God toShow MoreRelatedThe Doctrine Of The Trinity9485 Words   |  38 PagesDescription: At the center of the Christian faith is a mystery. This mystery has everything to do with the identity of God, the nature of Christian community, the salvation history and our understanding of Christology. This is the mystery of the Trinity – how is the Godhead fully three persons, and yet one nature? Theophilus was the first to name the ‘triad’ nature of God in his letter To Autolycus in 170 A.D. Tertullian was the first to offer terminology to describe this mystery in Against

An Army of One free essay sample

Twenge begins her argument by explaining that before the 1960’s, â€Å"self-esteem† did not have a pronounced role in the average life. Most people as Twenge explained learned at a very early age that recognizing others as opposed to only recognizing oneself, was much more important. In addition to this dating back hundreds of years ago, people had very little say in the decisions that were made in one’s own life. Who one married, what one’s job was, what one’s religious affiliation was-these were all decisions made by one’s parents. Slowly but surely however, as time went on people began more and more to become more individualistic and make decisions for themselves. The Baby Boomers as Twenge describes, in the 1970’s were the first real generation to truly focus on â€Å"meaning and self-fulfillment†. Despite that this is true, Twenge makes the argument that the boomers are not in fact the â€Å"real† Generation Me because they were not born into a world with these ideologies, but instead later explored it. We will write a custom essay sample on An Army of One or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition to this, the boomers generally did most things in groups and not on their own and therefore, are not considered to be Generation Me. Twenge then compares the two generations and how the two groups differentiate. The reader is able to see how being born into an environment where you are raised with the ideas of having to have high self-esteem leads to entitlement more self-absorbed people (GenMe) versus trying to fulfill oneself on ones own. The importance of having a high self-esteem has become very significant in the 80’s and 90’s and Twenge truly exemplifies through songs, children’s books and TV shows throughout her essay. Twenge then shows how this almost has a negative effect as kids are becoming less competitive and grade inflation has even reached its highest. Twenge continues on by discussing the self-esteem programs and how they relate to lower grades among students. It is important to acknowledge the fact that she is not saying it is a bad thing to have high self esteem, she just simply believes kids need to learn to have it for accomplishing things on their own-similar to the ways of the baby boomers.